The Blue Card is a document which for non-EU citizens is a residence permit and a permit to work legally. For this reason many citizens of non-EU countries are interested in how to obtain the Blue Card. After all, this document opens up great prospects. One can not only expect high wages and social benefits, but also to get European citizenship in the future.
Let’s figure out which advantages the Blue Card holder has compared to an immigrant who received a regular residence permit.
Working conditions
First of all, a highly qualified specialist is eligible for the same working conditions and wages as EU citizens. The minimum wage threshold for receiving the Blue Card is about 1.5 times higher than the average salary in the country.
There is also a plus for the employer: they will not have to prove to the Employment Agency that they have to hire you only because there is no suitable candidate in their home country. This means that the deadline for approval of documents is reduced and your chances of getting a permit are increased. In addition, there are no language requirements (unless the profession implies it).
If the contract with the firm is over, the Blue Card holder will have three months to find a new job. You can also look for a new work place in another country: after 1.5 years, you can exchange your card for a Blue Card in another EU country included in the program, if you have an employment contract with a company from it.
The Blue Card makes it easier for a spouse to move: he or she is granted a residence permit with the right to work even without a contract and knowledge of the local language. And there are no restrictions on the specialty.
With a Blue Card you can easily move around the European Union for tourism, recreation and study. The maximum period of continuous stay in another country without loss of residence permit is 12 months.
Permanent Residence Permit
The period after which you can apply for Permanent Residence Permit is also reduced. You can submit your documents in 21 months. But all this time it is necessary that you make contributions to the pension fund, and the procedure for reviewing documents includes taking a language test. If you do not want to prove your language skills, you can wait another year and apply for permanent residence in 33 months.